Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Second Leg

Hello again, everyone. So, I'm up to 175 again. This shit is ridiculous. It's so freaking on. I've realized my diet savvy ways are are all mixed up. I need to reprogram that part of me so I'm going to try the Dukan method of dieting where not only is your mind reprogrammed, but the body is as well. I plan to compliment the Dukan diet with cardio and yoga, perhaps kickboxing. The last time I did this blog, I was extremely successful, so I thought, why not try again? 150, here I come.

Friday, May 28, 2010


I hit my goal today!!!! 164.6!!! I am officially 30 pounds lighter! Holy cow!!! I am SO proud of myself! I'm thinking I want to get another 5- 10 pounds down, that way I'm at the weight that is suggested for my height. 155 is the weight I should be for my BMI to be healthy. I guess I'll just keep doing what I've been doing and see where it gets me. I would LOVE to be in a size 8 pant size. I started lifting weights and swing dancing and this next week I'll be biking the trails with my friend, Heather. Hopefully by my Europe trip I'll be 155 and then in Europe I hope to lose even more weight. I was considering doing strength training and being in a body building contest just for fun. I'll have to check into it, but it most definitely could be fun.

So, in conclusion: My new goal is to get another 10 pounds off this body. I am 165 right now and want to be 155. Let's do it!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Man, these last 5 pounds have been a pain in the butt! This morning, according to my trusty scale, I only have 1.4 more to go!! I'm sitting pretty at 166.4 which is 28.6 pounds lost. I don't know how accurate that is but I'll find out tomorrow at weigh-in. I think I haven't been eating enough so I upped my calories the last couple days and BAM! Weight loss. Hopefully I can reach my goal by the end of the week so I can get my reward! I've been waiting for it for too long!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sliding back at the moment

I've backtracked with my weight loss the last couple days. I got a hint of a cold which I found was related to mold (too disgusting of a story to tell). It's the end of the semester so everyone wants to go out and drink and eat. And with exams I rarely sleep so I'm sure that's super healthy for me. I have gotten back to my vitamins though. I ordered a plethora of new pills that will actually take my 9 pills and make it 11, but I'll be getting the recommended daily dose of all my vitamins for women without even having to eat correctly (which won't excuse me eating correctly, just to make sure I am getting what I should be).

I'll have:
1 Flax Seed Oil
2 Acai Berry
2 Vita C
1 Fruit and Veg
1 Calcium, Mag, and Vita D
2 Vita E
1 Omega 3
1 Theanine
1 Multivitamin

I have one exam today at 6 and then a paper due Thursday at 6 plus some make-up work for my German class that is due Friday. After tonight, my week will slow down immensely. I would love to get my essay done tomorrow and my German finished Thursday so I can have three days off to work out and relax before I start work on Monday. I'll be back on track and 5 pounds lighter in no time. Then it's off with my buddy Lee to the tattoo parlor for my 30 pound reward!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

25 pounds!!

I officially hit 25 pounds today!!! It's been about a week and a half since I worked out, but the last two days I've gone to the gym and done my running like I should've been doing. I guess it paid off! I had to do a double-take on the scale this morning. It felt absolutely amazing to see 170.0 come up!! I can't wait to see the 160s. Only five more pounds before my goal is complete and I can get my reward! Who knows, maybe I'll shoot for 35 pounds... 5 pounds at a time everyone. At 2 pounds a week loss, I should be my goal weight of 165 by the 13th of May. That's about 2 and a half weeks from now. And I can only imagine how quick it'll come off if I can keep working out. I want to be able to do a yoga headstand by the time I'm done. THAT would be amazing...

Friday, April 23, 2010

Almost 83% complete

I finally had the chance to work out today. It felt great. I almost wanted to go for longer than I did. I was 170.7 this morning so we'll see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully I'll have hit my 5 pounds-to-go mark. That would feel fantastic!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Just weighed in for the day...

...and it was 171.1. That's 23.9 pounds down!!! 6.1 more to go til my reward!! That puts me at May 12th now for my goal achievement date. Bring it on!