Monday, April 19, 2010

Something I realized today..

I always used to be an emotional eater. When my mental state was at it's worst, I was my heaviest, topping the scales at 202 at one point. I think now that I have squashed my insecurities, my over-eating has been squashed as well. The problem with that is I buy low-calorie food and fruit, so it has become difficult for me to eat the amount of food that I should be eating, which is around 1,200 calories a day. I stopped counting my calories because I thought I had fixed my eating. I realized tonight that even when I am emotional, I don't eat, compared to before where I would eat everything. I've started counting my calories again as well as my fiber and protein. It seems I need to eat a lot more than I am. So far today I've only pulled 600 calories and I haven't been hungry at all today. Looks like I will be eating a second dinner...

I have also realized that, according to my handy-dandy Loseit! program, if I lose 2 pounds a week, I will reach my weight goal of 165 by May 13th. That's a mere 3 weeks away. I just have to get my eating under control; the opposite way this time. It's nice telling myself I have to eat more. Let's hope it doesn't get out of control again. I don't think it will as long as I'm in the state I am in currently. Happy, content, understanding that shit happens and you can't let it get you down. Don't sweat the small stuff. The secret? IT'S ALL SMALL STUFF!

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